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Web Site Design & Programming

A web site is a reflection of your company, and must convey an immediate snapshot of your "personality" ... whether you want to project a corporate, button-down image or a pedal-to-the-metal rock 'n roll image, we can help.

We will give you a Guaranteed Price that won't change as long as the underlying architecture doesn't change - for example, if you want to rearrange pages, or change colors, or change photos or graphics, no price change; if you want to add immediate credit card approvals, or add an interface between the web site and your in-house accounting software - that would mean a price change.

The site will be developed and programmed right on the internet - you'll see everything on your browser at home and at the office as it grows.

We have learned over the years that web design companies come and go, and that the company where you have invested so much time and effort to get your new site online - when something goes wrong, you can't find them. We do things a little bit differently here at iNet ...

We designed and programmed our first e-commerce web site in the summer of 1994 - and that first client is still with us today. So in the first place, we'll be here when you need us ...

We also give every client one last promise - if something goes wrong with the web site we create for you, no matter how long after all the work is finished, no matter what the bug is - we'll fix it. Period.

So whether you want to sell 1 product or 650,000 products ... whether yours is an e-commerce site or a "brochure" site, one page or 250 -- we've done it before, and we can do it for you.

So give us a call - as we've always said
the consultation is free ...!
Carts, Credit Cards and Fulfillment

Adding a Shopping Cart onto an existing web site is not for the faint at heart. Yes, there are commercial Shopping Carts available for many web sites, some free and some very expensive. With the Carts that cost money, you'll get more capability than you probably need - because the commercial packages are designed and programmed to work for an author with one book and for General Motors. The result is that in all probability you only need a small fraction of what the package can do - but you pay for it all.

There are also free Shopping Carts ... and depending on the complexity of your web site, you may find one that works for you. In most cases, you'll have to settle for something less than what you really want and need. Plus, odds are that the Shopping Cart pages won't look anything like the rest of your site - something that's not likely to establish much trust on the part of your buyers.

So we can, in all probability, add a Custom Shopping Cart to your existing web site ... our programming includes the necessary database interface, order information storage and transmission to your fulfillment partner or your Shipping Department.

Our Shopping Cart will automatically add appropriate sales tax and get a real-time quote from UPS or Fedex for the shipping charges. We'll interface with the banks to get automatic credit card approvals, offer alternative payment options to the buyer if the charge is declined, and give you the ability to track sales, customers, inventory, whatever you need. All safely, securely, and without the need for any programming ability on your part.

The orders themselves can be handled in one of several ways. You can download the list into your in-house software ... you can cut-and-paste them from the server into your label-making software ... or we can securely transmit the orders directly to your Shipping Department, or to an outside fulfillment company.

As with most elements of our web sites - the choice is yours ...

Reliable Hosting and Security

We had a bad experience several years ago; an e-commerce web site we designed was hosted at a large commercial "server farm" in Silicon Valley. The web site shared a computer with dozens of other sites -- one of which crashed, seriously enough to take down the entire machine. It took four days for the hosting company to get the machine back up - four days with zero sales for our client.

Within the next two months, we set up servers at a Network Operations Center in the middle of the USA, and moved all our design clients there. Two huge advantages to this ...

• only our clients now share each of our machines - and every web site was designed by our programmers

• if something goes wrong, our programmers and engineers have access to the machines 24/7 - something that is not the case on a shared server somewhere else ...

We can, of course, program your web site on any *NIX server anywhere ... but if you're an iNet design client, you have the option of hosting your site on one of our servers, at competetive rates. This comes with a shared SSL Security Certificate, a savings which in many cases is equal to the hosting charges for an entire year.

©1994-2025 iNet // Web Solutions • Los Angeles, CA • 323.851.6400